Here on my Blog you have read all about Flashback Weekend, the best horror convention in the country, that I have been a part of for over 20 years. Mike and Mia Kerz, the creators and of that fantastic annual event also happen to own and run one of the best drive-in theaters in the country: The Midway Drive-In in Dixon, Il.
Every year about a month after Flashback, Mike and Mia host what they sometimes refer to as Flashback Weekend Part 2! It is a dusk til dawn celebration of all things scary, featuring a marathon of four horror movies shown back to back to back, with classic spooky trailers, vintage concession ads and more, all projected on to the big screen and under the stars.
I am once again thrilled to be hosting the event: FLASHBACK WEEKEND'S DUSK TO DAWN HORRORFEST, on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21st 2024, at The MIDWAY DRIVE-IN.

I will greet everyone, introduce the films, talk about the history and significance of each feature, tell you some behind-the-scenes stories and trivia, and play back portions of some interviews with the celebrities from the movies that I have met in the past. Then the movies will be shown in all their glory!
It's always a terrific time, and this year looks like it might be the best year ever because of a truly stellar group of movies. This exceptional line-up doesn't have a clinker among them, in fact, all four movies are absolutely GREAT and are four of my favorite horror movies ever. I couldn't be more excited to introduce and talk about all of them.
So, let me rundown each movie tell you a little bit about them, and my connection to each one, with some cool pictures to boot (most of them taken at Flashback Weekend Conventions from the past). I am writing about them in the order that they will bo shown on Saturday.

Written and directed by the late great Wes Craven, this is the first (and still the best) of the classic slasher series, and is one of the best horror films ever made. It spawned an incredible media franchise that consists of nine films, a couple of TV series, some novels, comic books and much more, and Freddy Krueger, the villain, has become a household name.
The simple supernatural story about a group of teenagers being haunted by an undead child killer while they sleep is truly ingenious in that everyone MUST sleep...and that's how you die.
The film is beautifully executed, and directed with incredible skill by Craven, and it is also really, really scary....I mean REALLY, REALLY scary. There are some genuinely terrifying sequences and a sustained sense of dread that all adds up to a nerve-jangling experience that might actually keep you up at night.
The terrific young cast, lead by the wonderful Heather Langenkamp, acquit themselves admirably (by the way, this is Johnny Depp's film debut), and the presence of some classic character actors like Ronee Blakley, Charles Fleischer, Lin Shaye and the legendary John Saxon (one of my heroes) adds immeasurably to the effectiveness of the film.
But it is, of course, Robert Englund who steals the show as Freddy Krueger. In this film a legendary horror character is born, and Englund runs with it, creating one of the scariest, most memorable movie villains of all time, while cementing himself in film history.
I have had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing many members of the cast (not just from the original, but from many of the sequels as well) over the years, and they are a joy to talk to. They all remain friends, have visited Flashback Weekend many times, and are loaded with tremendous stories and memories which they share freely.
Robert Englund, in particular, is a terrific guy who has appeared at Flashback many times and is always kind, hilarious and very generous with fans. He is one of the earliest and most ardent supporters of the Kerz's endeavors, and for that he is a real hero.
"A Nightmare on Elm Street" is a genuine classic that is a MUST-SEE on the big screen, and it will be presented on 35mm at the Midway, which makes it all the more special!

I honestly don't even know where to begin with this one....seriously.
On March 28th 1979, "Phantasm" was released. A hugely seminal film from my teenage years, and a true game changer. One of my favorite movies of all time. I would go on to see it in the theaters over 100 times that year and countless times on video after that.
It tells the story of a newly orphaned 14 year old kid (A. Michael Baldwin) and his older brother (Bill Thornbury), who investigate some weird things happening at the local cemetery/mausoleum which is run by a scary being known only as The Tall Man (the late great Angus Scrimm).
They drag their ice-cream truck driving friend (Reggie Bannister) along with them to fight the evil Tall Man, and battle scary dwarves, monsters, and the undead. Not to mention the sexy Lady in Lavender (Kathy Lester), a portal to another dimension, a severed finger that turns into a fanged-bug, and a flying silver sphere that attaches to your head, drills into your skull and drains your blood....yeah, that old story.
The movie plays like the fever dream of a scared kid, and that's exactly what writer/director Don Coscarelli, who made the film on a minuscule budget, wanted. It's also exactly why it appealed to me at the time, a 13 year old horror freak, who saw himself in the movie's hero and happily went along with all of the insanity. "Phantasm" is an exercise in brilliant surrealism, crazy logic and endless creativity, that has no rules or boundaries.
It is also one of the best horror movies ever made, one of my favorite movies of all time and it is the true definition of a "Drive-In Movie," which means you MUST come out Saturday to see it in all it's glory at the Midway.
Another huge fan of this movie is J.J. Abrams, the writer, director, producer and rebooter of the "Star Trek" and "Star Wars" franchises (and co-creator of "Felicity!!") , who, in 2016, oversaw a gorgeous remastering of the original 1979 film, and that's the version we will all see on Saturday night!
It's completely insane, but I have since become friends with the cast and director, and my love for the film remains unwavering. Thanks to Don Coscarelli and to Mike Kerz and Mia Kerz at Flashback Weekend Chicago Horror Convention for the opportunity to have met them all, and Rest In Peace Angus Scrimm, who was one of the sweetest men that ever lived.
If you can't make it out to the Horrorfest, I recommend you check out "The Phantasm Collection" on Blu-ray. A beautiful and outstanding package that includes all 5 Phantasm films with TONS of extras, commentaries and behind the scenes stuff.
Also, it includes a cool 2-sided poster, a collectable 120 page book that has awesome pictures and art, and interviews with the stars and crew. It's absolutely amazing....and, I am beyond thrilled to be featured on the bonus disc conducting some Q&As with the director and cast from Flashback Weekend conventions of the past.
I am now forever documented and connected with one of the seminal films of my entire life, and one of the landmark horror movie series of all time. I am now an official member of The Phantasm Phamily.

Director Joe Dante ("Gremlins," "Matinee," "The 'Burbs," "Innerspace") and writer John Sayles ("Matewan," "Eight Men Out," "Brother From Another Planet") worked with legendary producer Roger Corman to create this magnificently funny, violent, brilliant and unapologetic B-movie/"Jaws" rip-off/Nature Gone Mad Flick.
When flesh-eating piranhas are accidentally released into a summer resort's river system, all hell breaks loose and all of the guests become fish food. That's it. That's all you need.
Wildly entertaining in every way, this gem of a low-budget classic is loaded with classic scenes, gross-out moments and a fabulous cast, lead by the great Bradford Dillman. The cast also includes legends like Kevin McCarthy, Keenan Wynn, Dick Miller, Barbara Steele, Paul Bartel, Richard Deacon, Guich Koock, Bruce Gordon and Heather Menzies.
We lost Roger Corman earlier this year, and his contributions to film, not only as a producer, but also as a gifted director, are truly innumerable (especially in the horror/drive-in genre). Many directors that Corman discovered and nurtured, like Dante and Sayles, would go onto to become legends.
Filmmakers like Martin Scorsese, Francis Ford Coppola, James Cameron, Peter Bogdanovich, Jonathan Demme and Ron Howard all came through the Roger Corman school of filmmaking, and that is truly amazing.
"Piranha" is a complete blast and an incredibly fun ride, and it's perfect example of the best of what Corman did, and the perfect film to see at the Midway Drive-In.

A great example of the classic 80's Slasher Genre, this stylish, beautifully designed and shot horror film is typical of the films of that era, but with a technical pedigree that is pretty astonishing.
Written by a trio of talented scribes, edited by a smart cutter of documentaries, this is also the first film from director Roger Spottiswoode, who would go on to direct solid stuff like "The Pursuit of DB Cooper," "The Best of Times," and "Shoot to Kill," and great films like "Under Fire," and the truly remarkable HBO movie about the AIDS crisis, "And the Band Played On."
But the real treat and surprise here is that the film's cinematographer is the great John Alcott, who shot films like Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange," The Shining" and "Barry Lyndon," and terrific movies like "No Way Out," "Under Fire," "Fort Apache the Bronx," and genre classics Gary Sherman's "Vice Squad," and Don Coscarelli's "The Beastmaster."
So, yeah...the movie looks AMAZING!
The plot involves the victim of a fraternity-hazing-prank gone wrong, who seeks revenge years later on a train full of college students. One of those students is played by the one and only Jamie Lee Curtis, who at that time, was in the midst of her "Scream Queen" phase, having just acted in "Halloween," "The Fog," and "Prom Night."
She would also go on to star in genre films like "Halloween II" and "Road Games" before she found success in studio pictures with her role in "Trading Places." Oh yeah, when "Terror Train" was released, she also happened to be The Love of My Life.
The cast also includes veteran actor Ben Johnson, magician David Copperfield (as "The Magician"!), rock star Vanity, and Hart Bochner from "Die Hard" and "Breaking Away," a real fun group of performers to say the least, all doing terrific work.
It's a genuinely creepy movie, a perfect time capsule of the early 80s Slasher period, and a fine example of how you can add a touch of class to crude material.... it's also a fantastic drive-in flick!
So, there you have it, the four fabulous movies that will be shown at FLASHBACK WEEKEND'S DUSK TO DAWN HORRORFEST, on SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21st 2024, at The MIDWAY DRIVE-IN. Advanced tickets are on sale NOW at www.themidwaydrivein.net
Gates open at 5pm...get there early because there will also be horror vendors, Flashback Weekend T-Shirts for sale, and much more! See you there, and be sure to come up and say "Hi" to me and Julie!
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