I adore everything about werewolves. I've always been fascinated by the rich folklore and myths associated with these creatures of the night. The legends and rules surrounding werewolves are often showcased in films and other mediums, sometimes faithfully, sometimes not.
With the release of Leigh Whannell's dreadful variation on the werewolf genre, "Wolf Man," I started reflecting on my favorite werewolf movies. Below are my fifteen favorites.
And no, I did not include any of the ridiculous "Twilight" movies or the absurd "Underworld" films. Despite their popularity, they simply do not belong on my list.
I also excluded "Teen Wolf" with Michael J. Fox, the cleverly titled "Teen Wolf Too" with Jason Bateman, "Wolf" featuring Jack Nicholson, and "I Was a Teenage Werewolf" starring Michael Landon. Although I enjoy watching it when Svengoolie airs it, it didn’t make the cut. I also left out "Van Helsing" with Hugh Jackman.
1981 was an incredible year for werewolf movies. Three outstanding films were released that year, making it The Year of the Wolf.
My 15 Favorite Werewolf Movies (in Order of Preference)
This Universal classic stars Lon Chaney Jr.. It has been my favorite since childhood, as I tiptoed around the house pretending to be the Wolfman.
John Landis' horror/comedy masterpiece is a triumph in style and storytelling. It stands out for some of the most incredible practical makeup effects by the legendary Rick Baker. Yes, this film was released in 1981, the Year of the Wolf.
Hammer Studios tackled the werewolf genre with this classic directed by Terence Fisher and starring the great Oliver Reed. This film features my favorite werewolf makeup design and is filled with glorious color and emotion. I absolutely love this movie.
Director Joe Dante's captivating and clever take on the genre stands out for its sharp script (co-written with John Sayles) and extraordinary makeup effects by Rob Bottin. It is another classic from 1981, the Year of the Wolf.
British soldiers facing werewolves in wild Scotland make this bizarre but highly entertaining film stand out. Directed by the underrated Neil Marshall, it's a badass movie.
Directed by the remarkable Neil Jordan, this gothic fairytale stars Angela Lansbury and David Warner. It's a dark twist on the Little Red Riding Hood story and is filled with imagination and nightmare-inducing sequences.
As the very first werewolf movie, this Universal classic is haunting and beautifully filmed. Henry Hull's performance as the title monster is remarkable. This film looks badass, especially given its 1935 release date.
This is the third remarkable werewolf film released in 1981, the Year of the Wolf. It stars Albert Finney as he investigates grisly murders committed by lycanthropes.
This film might be goofy, but I love it dearly. It's a childhood favorite that features two of the greatest Universal monsters in a legendary battle. It’s a total blast.
This modern classic about two outcast sisters, played by Emily Perkins and the extraordinary Katharine Isabelle, offers a cool, original creature feature. It's also a fantastic parable about puberty, illustrating how starting your first menstrual cycle can feel akin to becoming a werewolf.
Based on a smart and funny short story by Stephen King, this film tells the story of a kid in a wheelchair (Corey Haim) and his quirky uncle (played by the wonderful Gary Busey) as they go up against a killer werewolf. It's an 80s classic and a ton of fun.
The most recent addition to my list is a hilarious, well-crafted horror/comedy featuring a fantastic cast. It includes Milana Vayntrub, Sam Richardson, Sarah Burns, and Guillermo from "What We Do in the Shadows"—Harvey Guillen.
13. BAD MOON (1996)
The talented writer and director Eric Red takes on the werewolf genre in this ominous film. Starring Michael Pare, Mariel Hemingway, and a cool German Shepherd named Thor, it's a gripping experience.
14. WOLF GUY (1975)
This legendary and insane Japanese action/horror movie features the infamous Sonny Chiba as a man who fights werewolves while trying to solve a mystery. A cult classic, it boasts a passionate fanbase, including Bill Hader, who discusses it in the video above. This movie must be seen to be believed.
Directed by the dependable Joe Johnston, this entertaining and surprisingly effective remake of the 1941 Universal classic features a stellar cast. Benicio del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, and Hugo Weaving shine in this love letter to old-school horror.
Honorable Mentions
I have a soft spot for these additional werewolf movies, even if they didn't make the Top 15.
"Werewolves on Wheels," about a werewolf motorcycle gang.
"The Beast Must Die", an interactive murder mystery featuring my hero Peter Cushing.
"Trick 'r Treat", a highly entertaining anthology film.
"WolfCop" and "Another WolfCop" are exactly what you think they are.
What are your favorite werewolf movies? Let me know by leaving a message at (773) 417-6948 or email me at nick@nickdigilio.com.
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